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Old Settlers Reunion

Each year, Camp Wood comes alive with the "Old Settlers Reunion" the first weekend in August.

Saturday’s festivities included a Parade, Art Booths, and a Native American Show & Tell Demonstration Booth. The Reunion, which is held annually, is to celebrate the old setttlers, including the first nations peoples, the Lipan Apache. This year there was one Lipan Apache who walked the whole parade route in period correct clothing, with powder rifle and pistol. Tony Castanada, the Lipan Apache parade participant, took 2nd place out of approximately 75 participants. Well done Tony!

A beautiful day to be walking and waving to the many people lining the parade route. People gathered from many towns around the west Texas area to celebrate.

The crowds were enthusastic, as was our Lipan Apache participant.

Dressed as an Apache Scout from Ft. Sill, Tony walked the route, representing the nation's first people who lived in the area, the Lipan Apache.

Of course, while walking in the parade, there was the handing out of candy to the many children along the parade route.

Tony also did a demo booth for education of the young and old alike, while Rudy Alaquinez Soto Perez had a Native American Arts and Crafts Booth. Families, young people, older folks, and even dogs were among the many who enjoyed the day of festivities. This father was as interested in the booth as were his young boys.

The booth included demonstrations for using tools as the Natives did long ago.

One of the favorite items that the guests were thrilled to see and touch seemed to be this tomahawk.

Not just boys, but girls also were quite interested and excited to learn at the booth.

The booth included items to touch, handle, feel, and learn about.

Rudy's Arts & Crafts Booth was filled with many items for sale. Rudy does outstanding work, and is a fine craftsman.

The Arts and Crafts Booth was constantly filled with buyers.

We apprecitate this Lipan Apache of Pantaleon descent and his never ending representation of our heritage.

We encourage the next generation to continue with representing our family and our heritage. We would be honored to have the 'generations to come' continue to honor the traditions. We encourage all Native Americans to be active in their heritage, and especially the Pantaleon Lipan Apache family descendants.

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