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Hello my good people...

When I go to Pow Wows, I often have people tell me the percentage of Native American blood they have in them, and ask me what percentage I have in me. I tell them that I know my Grandmother on my dad's side was Comanche, and that my mother's side is Lipan Apache. To the people who ask me about this, they would consider this to make me 75% Native American.

I embrace the Lipan Apache side, because of having some cousins on my Lipan side, who are still active in practicing the traditions of the ancestors.

For personal knowledge I have decided to take a DNA test to see what it would reveal. Here are the results, which are an estimate, from a well known DNA testing lab:

62% Native American

14% Iberian Peninsula

24% (in various percentage amounts) from a combination of these regions:

Europe, West Asia, and Africa

Of the 62% that was listed as Native American DNA, let me explain the areas in which my ancestors with this heritage came from. If you draw a horizontal line across the state of Texas, right about where Austin is located, my Native American heritage comes from south of this line, a combination of Lipan Apache and Comanche.

No mater what, as I always encourage all of you, Keep The Traditions Alive.... and as always, Enjoy!

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