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The Apache Sunrise Ceremony, or Na’ii’ees in the native language, is a strenuous four day ceremony that Apache girls go through after their first menstruation (the “moon cycle”). The ceremony takes place in the summer following the girl’s first menstruation (always beginning on a Friday). For four days and four nights, the girls will dance and run into the four directions (symbolizing the four stages of life, beginning in the east). The girls also receive and give gifts, being introduced to their ability to heal. For over 70 years, however, the Sunrise ceremony was not permitted to be practiced as it was banned by the US government (as were most of native spiritual practices and rituals). With the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978, the Sunrise ceremony could openly be practiced on reservations again.

The ceremony often involves months of preparation and teachings beforehand. Making the girl’s symbolic attire and building the lodge requires time and effort. The girl also has to undergo a physical and demanding regime to strengthen her physical endurance. Her family is also involved, as they provide the food and gifts to those in attendance.

Once the ceremony begins, the girl is guided by the medicine man and her sponsor (a godmother who is spiritually strong and a model of wisdom) through many “events or stages”. This includes hours of dancing (increasing as the days go by) often in tandem with a partner she chooses. Running is also part of the ceremony with the girl running to the four directions. Overall, it is an intense physical ceremony for the girl. However, it is interspersed with massages from the girl’s sponsor to “mold her” into Changing Woman or White Painted Woman. It is also a spiritually intense ceremony, involving numerous hours of singing, chanting and praying.

Finally, the girl is covered with a mixture of clay and corn meal that she cannot wash off for the four days. During the last day of the ceremony, she blesses her people with pollen as well as gets in touch with her healing powers by healing those who seek her touch and blessing.


The Sunrise Ceremony represents and is a reminder of the legend of the White Painted Woman who survived the great flood in an abalone shell and gave birth to 2 sons after being impregnated first by the sun then by the rain. Her sons go on killing the Owl Man Giant who terrorized the tribe. At their return, White Painted Woman let out a cry of triumph and delight, often re-created by the girl’s godmother within the ceremony. Following her sons’ success, White Painted Woman established a puberty rite to be given to all daughters born to her people. When she becomes old, White Painted Woman walks toward east until she meets her younger self, merging into her younger self thus becoming young again and forever repeating the cycle.

A girl who goes through the ceremony of transition into womanhood is believed to be provided with special blessings. It is not for the faint of heart and is taken seriously by the young girl and her family. It involves a lot of preparation and a financial commitment on the part of the girl’s family (in modern days, families often combine so that the ceremony can be performed for more than one girl, reducing financial costs). The selection of a godmother also involves specific steps. Indeed, the godmother is not given any warning as to when she will be asked and is asked in the hours preceding the sunrise. An eagle feather and a turquoise stone are often brought and given in appreciation.


The Sunrise Ceremony is an intense one on many levels. Through the re-enactment of the legend of White Painted Woman, it helps the young girl connect with her spiritual heritage, often for the first time. Through White Painted Woman, the girl surmounts her weaknesses and discovers her ability to heal and gets to know her spiritual sacredness and power. The young girl also learns what it means to become a woman. This is done first through the presence of menstruation and with her increase physical strength.

The Sunrise ceremony, in a beautiful and organic way helps the young girl enter womanhood, experience hard work, heal others, and even in the face of hard work and physical exhaustion, to present herself in a dignified and pleasant way. It is a ceremony of giving and receiving for both the girl and the community. It brings people, families, and tribes together, providing a sense of unity.

Photos are of a young, coming of age woman, being sprinkled with a mixture of cornmeal and clay... and Apache Crown Dancers at a Sunrise Ceremony....

National Geographic Video Presentation of The Apache Sunrise Ceremony

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